Good website, Bad website

Yesterday, courtesy of the useful GoMotoring website which maintains a quick to access list of MINI related pages, I found a new weblog from UKPYLOT which I enjoyed reading – although I also have no clue about the meaning of “What Does It Run”.
On the down side of web sites, I have now removed RoadFly from my list of links and regular MINI web stops. The style of this site encourages fast visits and minimal discussions – useful for some people but resulting in regular repeats of the same information again and again (with apparently zero moderator activity).
Much more frustrating for me is its regular “cookie timeout”(?) which forces me to sign in again, typically when I have just written and attemped to post some wonderful long message – which is of course lost to the web ether while RoadFly demands that I re-introduce myself. Another trick is to tell me I have not specified the author – even when I am logged in and it knows who I am!
But the worst bit of RoadFly is that there are a number of regular negativity posters that are dragging down the site; it is not just fun to visit any more.
Still, with MotoringFile, MINI2 and NAM, and (perhaps) the up and coming CooperSpeed, there is enough MINI stuff to go round!

5 thoughts on “Good website, Bad website

  1. Ian, I think I gave up on Roadfly after just a few weeks…it is horrible.
    Didn’t know about the CooperSpeed site though, but I joined and will continue to frequent it as it looks good.

  2. Ah, fame at last for my little blog!! George – I defy you to explain how What Does It Run comes to mean how much does it cost!

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